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Aka mages, are magic users who have The Knack.

Mythics are able to wield magic. So far as we know, these is no real way this ties into the Umbral and the work of werewolves, except possibly through the art of Spiritalis.

The society of mages, like Garou, is hidden from mortal society and similarly self-policing. The official agency that enforces magical law is magipol, but mages can also gather into Guilds of like-minded or agenda'd individualy. Guilds are also largely self-policing - partly because it reduces external interference from Magipol and partly because it seems mages all have slightly different abilities and scales and the best ones to deal with erratic elements are ones with a similar skillset. Those who work outside of the laws of mage society and work with wanted criminals are known as Rogues

Many of their texts are published by a group called MPD, the Mythic Publishing Department(?)

"Anything you can imagine can be rendered as an array" - Sun Wang-Li

The limits to what can be constructed as a magical array seem to be the time you have to charge it up, and the resources to construct it, an example is an array to make a building earthquake proof took about 2.5 years to charge (source: Sun Wang-Li).

Types of Mythic

There are 5 forms of magic that we know of in setting, remembered by practitioners by the mnemonic SPADE:

  1. Spiritalis (work by making Pacts with spirits (Season_Eight#2023-03-06)).
    1. Witches: Give energy, essence, perform rituals, make agreements with spirits, they live in lines on the body, and nourished by the places taken to do rituals with it.
    2. Druids: Carnal, uncouth, known as "Spirit Fuckers"
  2. Psychia
  3. Arcana (precisely drawn sigils)
  4. Demonica (making deals with demons)
  5. Elementalism
    1. Geomancers who can throw rocks Season_Six#2022-01-31
    2. Aeromancers who can control the air
  6. Spaceomancer (this may be a joke name) who can teleport.

We've also had "Predictamancers" mentioned (Season_Ten#2023-07-03) essentially as a slang/parody term for those practising divination, it seems to imply the other Mythics take these people less seriously.

Methods of Magic

There are 3 methods of deactivating an array:

  1. Make it do its job until it runs out of essence
  2. Find its physical presence and disrupt it
  3. Use a counter spell

There are 2 types of arrays (Season_Four#2021-07-26):

  1. Linear Array: Placed on a surface, charge from aether, make effect happen
  2. Circular Array: Charges up items placed in the nexus of an array with effects which can then be triggered from the item itself.

Mythics and Spirits

Mythic's have a hard time interacting with The Shadow in the same way that Garou do and can't seem to easily visit or interact with the Penumbra, we known using Spiritalis they can summon spirits from there and make deals with them to operate in there for them, and they can travel to the deeper Umbral Realms via various gateways and enchanted devices (Season_Five#2021-09-27).

In Season_Six#2022-04-04 we learn Mythics have a Ritual of Separation to divide Spiritalis mythics from their bonded spirits.

There is also the concept of Spiritual Armour to protect you from possession or geas (Season_Six#2022-04-04).

  1. Benediction of friendly spirit guide, which needs you to be a Spiritualis mythic
  2. Some arcane items
  3. Some crosses/spiritual items linked to spirits (? User:Tabitha asks for clarity on this point, missed notes ?)