Carlie Ngonye

Revision as of 20:47, 11 October 2021 by Tom (talk | contribs)

Carlie Ngonye is a Ragabash now sworn to the Black Furies. She was expelled from university while studying journalism owing to a number of disciplinary incidents related to her rage. Her granny lives in Brixton.

At some point in her background she learned to pick locks and break and enter. She's commented about a lot of short term interests, and appears to have walked away from them all when either they got difficult or she got angry with someone involved.

She also owned the pack's only vehicle until it was destroyed by a Primrose-Morton flunky to dispose of a corpse. They have replaced it with an older Landrover with no heating.

She's also become somewhat protective of Cousin Lottie, despite Lottie's best attempts to provoke Carlie into a murderous rage.

Carlie holds the black and white knives. She keeps a herb garden in the pack house kitchen window.

Bits of Carlie's Past She Has Referenced

  • A juvenile delinquent for a short period, ending when she got pissed off with her clique's leader and wandered off
  • A short period either as a cadet at school or in some military-influenced faculty for scaring JDs straight
  • Genuinely passionate about journalism, but has written off the idea she can have a career there
  • Uncaring father
  • Studied kickboxing in her mid-teens but was kicked out aged sixteen
  • Has been pepper sprayed in the past

It's not my fault it's so hard to be a contrary Ragabash in this pack! We fought like this before we were werewolves! It's how we show affection! - Jules