The Lady of Kowloon
Showed up in The Guild bar to meet Lydia (Season_Five#2021-10-11), a well dressed, refined chinese lady (not garou). Probably a mythic? Able to knock out Crinos garou. Moves very smoothly but probably not floating? Used as a "truth teller" of some kind by The Guild (Season_Five#2021-10-11) in that she can tell if someone thinks they are telling the truth, some sort of mind reader (Season_Six#2022-03-28).
During Season_Ten it's discovered (Season_Ten#2023-07-03) that The Lady of Kowloon is an embodiment of the goddess Ōkuninushi the buddhist form of the goddess Mahākāla aka Shiva and is probably a form of Mahakali aka Kali aka "the great death". She was anchored into a Jade Statue brought back from Hong Kong by Robert Laffrey which seems to be the result of The Death of Wi Chen Zhou in that he had a couple of suitcase nukes to try and stop the Chinese taking back Hongkong and when he tried to set one off Sir Robert Laffrey along with a number of Garou from Southwark sent as mercenaries by Lee Ho Fooks somehow contained it in a temple, this killed one of the Garou, but contained the nuclear explosion and somehow merged it with an emanation of the goddess into the Statue (Season_Ten#2023-07-31).
The Lady of Kowloon is then trapped in a crystal by Sally Jin and Carlos as a scheme by Sam Aston (then Mythic Grandee) to gain power, holding the gem kills them both, it is then taken into containment by 21st Tactical Reconnaissance Regiment.
The gem is brought out by Ariane as a last ditch backup against The Spirit of London (Season_Eleven#2024-04-08) and is eventually opened by Holly and Lydia whereupon the currently dead or edge of death Carlie and Ariane agree to go over into the afterlife for sure in exchange for The Lady offering her help to Holly and Lydia - who then kill The Spirit of London. The suitcase is last seen with Lydia.