David Vasiry

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Alchemist and friend of Ben Valis (see Season Two). Has been able to live a very extended period of time due to unknown magics.

The Belles are currently hunting him on behalf of The Weaver of Laws and Rituals.

Has been ordering large amounts of mercury and silver via local express couriers.

Has a reliance on quinine.


Vasiey met Ben Valis in Washington D.C. and became good friends (Valis' journals call him a "learned gentleman" and claim that he did something that gave him hope when he was previously preparing to die). As part of a larger group, they took part in a series of ritual murders for attempted immortality that resulted in the pair fleeing the country seperately. They met up again in London several years later in the 1950s or 60s, although information following this is vague.

Current Day

Since the 1960s, Vasiry has been posing as a chemistry teacher in a variety of prep schools (posh enough to include things like research trips to Israel and Egypt), "retiring" every thirty years or so and moving onto another school posing as his own son.