Mr. Robinson
Butler to the Primrose-Morton Estate. He is a Christian of a sort perhaps but avoids churches for various reasons of seeing too much weird stuff, he served in the army with Major John Primrose and was in Gulf War 1 at the The Battle of 73 Easting, when the tank was damaged and Robinson injured The Major turned Crinos and got him out. He didn't adapt well to civilian life after he left the army and was hired on by the Primrose-Morton's and appreciates what they do in the world and the sense of structure they give. He was at one point married but is a widow, his Wife shares the name of one of Janice Primrose-Morton's sunk tankers and he gets photos of its progress every year. (Season_Four#2021-07-05 and Season_Four#2021-07-12).
"I had this whole socialist rant prepares and he blindsided me with... people saying how nice they are." - Jules