Season Four

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Summary of Events


The Belles still at the Primrose-Morton Estate. Things start with Sun Wang-Li texting Jules to find out what's going on and if we're okay being as our house got raided, also reveals her Guild got paid more than she thought (£50) for Carl Rodrigos and hence are partying, Jules assures her that we aren't dead or under arrest. Ariane takes a walk around the gardens, Carlie goes to poke the castle in the woods, finding it has 4 walls crenelations and is a victorian folly with a very very flat floor and no roof, the walls have a dedication to the full moon in first tongue . Sunny runs around sniffing things with the zoomies finding a pond, some rabbits to chase, some great sticks, and good smells. Inside - Jules has a lie in, Holly calls her family, then calls into work to try and sort logistics but someone (Mr. Robinson) claiming to be her father called in and claimed she had covid, then tries to personalise her room a little, Lydia prays and thinks about calling work and her church to make excuses without lying.

On the back Patio Janice Primrose-Morton and Ariane have tea, and Ariane argues that she should do charity work for a few years after her law degree to help out the folk and round out her CV, Janice reminds her she has to choose her law specialisation next year and suggests corporate, international, or marine law and suggests that Matrix Chambers have a human rights arm she could join. Ariane says the London homeless population are getting so desperate they are generating connections to Wyrm spirits and hence maybe housing law to help them. They do a run through of who's who in the pack and Janice says she'll get Mr. Robinson to dust off the family chapel for Lydia. Janice says she just finishing buying the Mane Alaska II (oil tanker), her 67th.

Jules gets a knock on her door from Mr. Robinson to check she's doing okay, she finds Lydia who checks her shoulder injury and suggests she not get shot in the future as she worries about her. They talk about Lydia wanting to tell church/family/work she's on important garou business as the alternative is lying and Jules suggests she instead be economical with the truth and oblique mentioning a "family issue" perhaps, Lydia points out they'll want to know who so they can prey for them. Mr. Robinson tells Holly he called into her workplace for her and hopes that was okay, and that he has a contract for Lydia - private hire as a nurse to tend to Ariane and others as they recover here at the house, Jules suggests this "job" would be a good cover for everything and Lydia reminds her that she has an accountability partner who will her her ensure she's spending her time as best in service to God, shes told them about demons and ritual circles but isn't sure how to tell them shes a werewolf and we're a bad influence she is essentially living with us to do missionary work and try and convert us. Ariane and Carlie arrive, chat about the Castle, God, the family Chapel, Gaia as god. Ariane panics a bit about dressing for afternoon tea (and everyone else being presentable) and Jules teases her. She then blows a literal whistle out back to try and get Sunny's attention who arrives with a stick and a bit of resentment.

On the front veranda everyone Tarquin Primrose-Morton and his wife Janice gather everyone for afternoon tea, Ariane tries to be clear to the others about police behaviour and Holly picks up and follows her, Jules doesn't bother, since there are sandwiches Sunny switches back to her human form with her dedicated biker leathers. we hear Mr. Jones sends his thanks for looking after the car, Tarquin discusses how the staff are here of their free will and happy to follow the family to Jules and protecting them, the blood, and the land is important. Janice tells Carlie her Great-Great Grandfather built the castle with his own "paws and claws" (and a team of workers) to protect a ritual spot, Tarquin is impressed she spotted what it was for. We talk of Midsummer and the upcoming ritual to praise Luna, to thank the spirits who have supported the Pack, to open a bridge to the Umbra to make offerings and an annual howl (annual shareholders review), hoping their successes will impress for the spirits enough to get a boon to help in the coming year. Talk of the tanker purchase with Jules, doing to dock it at Aberdeen, screen the crew for Fomori, retask them onto greener boats, then clean the tanker and sink it to help coral regrowth. Lydia asks about the Mission to Seafarers and Janice says she donates yearly, Lydia suggests that the Gospel and preaching can help immunise people against the Wyrm and talks about casting out demons and Carlie and Jules correct her that they were also involved in killing things from the spirit world, still Lydia and Janice talk about pushing for ecological humanitarianism by using the bible as a tool to suggest environmental destruction (Wyrm) is the same as the Devil.

Conversation is interrupted by the arrival in a red ferrari of Charlotte 'Lottie' Primrose-Morton, noted internet influencer, Ariane fills in the pack on the kinfolk/garou split (i.e. most actual rituals are for the garou, the kinfolk do a bunch of supporting stuff) while Lottie calls a sponsor, she sits to chat, tells Lydia she doesn't have a church, she and Ariane complain about the cancelled tennis, Sunny talks about the food using the sorts of terms that would be used on specialist food TV shows and Lottie joins in that conversation, then sneakily takes a picture of the cake and uploads it while Tarquin and Janice are distracted.