Season Nine

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Ariane and Jules head to Parliament to hand in the Wyrm Tainted Cinema Projector to The Weaver of Laws and Rituals, interestingly we note the Projector can move between the physical and the Umbra like a dedicated/spirit imbued item... We seem expected when we get there and The Weaver herself meets us in the Lobby and asks if we have "The Object", there's a lot of chittering noises, we are asked to put it on a specific floor spot and assure it The Director is either dead or out of commission.

Carlie and Holly take Holly's Dad home, on the way he's super fixated on her appearing in Crinos form and keeps asking her about it, she reassures him it feels very strong and powerful, and just about in control and he compares this to The Incredible Hulk. Holly's mother yells at everyone then invites them inside, Carlie bails to "do a few things" and Holly chats and plays up that her parents are now "in on it" as it were, she notes her mothers been stress tidying, her father breaks out the bourbon and she worries about the hit down the road on them psychologically and makes a note to keep more in touch.

Sunny meanwhile heads back to the Pack house to resume cooking, engaging her understanding of the charm of the dish (Rabbit A L'Orange) and takes the resultant meal to the chef at the Deli. He says its at least not fit for the bin, can taste its full of her passion and love and the flavours are put together delicately so they sing in the mouth, not too intellectual, this dish has style! Then follows this up by saying if you can't taste the passion and style of a dish you're not fit to be a chef (and he only gives recipes to chefs!), she gets a pastrami and rye and feels she's made progress but he's rubbing it in, as she leaves she finds a recipe for pastrami in the bag, possibly he is laying down a challenge for her to make her own.

We get some hi-viz jackets and go to find Old Crone Fleet to chat about The Director, Jules initially pitches that he's at worst trapped in his realm, Ariane tells her about the Projector. Fleet confirms that he's very dead (Holly "Heh heh. Good") and she tells us we can ask 3 boons of her of the kind of scale of help we've given them (we moot ideas about paying our rent/maintaining the house/territory while we're away or possibly trying to protect us from deep umbral time shift)

Sunny attends Helen Mirren's funeral with the Boatmen in the Umbra. Its full of boatmen, true londoners, and a lot of other spirits, all with lanterns. Helen is escorted onto the boat waving proudly, its adorned with ribbons, lanterns, and pictures of her most famous roles and moments. She waves as she floats down the river and slowly fades out as the boat merges with the darkness, the lamps wink out one by one. It feels both celebratory and also solemn. Sunny heads back to the Pack House and tells people and Ariane of course takes notes.

Ariane gives a howl about: Defending our packmate legally! Investigating The Director and the death of Helen Mirren the Fae, slaying him and removing the source of corruption. Trading favours for fresh weapons and gifts to meet this challenge. And Ariane's appointment as Deputy Sheriff of London. (ooc: 3 successes, +1 glory all around)

Ariane makes contact with The Guild about the Quest to Spire and assures them we're on it and a week later she's contacted by Sir Robert Laffrey who has a proposal for us - the new Sheriff of London John Northbridge has a problem in that a Dark Druid who has evaded his "Vampiric claws" has headed into the Umbra, where of course he cannot chase, Sir Robert thinks he's headed to Spire and since we have the contract to go we may as well get two birds with one stone because there's a price on his head. We learn he's formed a Pact with a dark and malevolent spirit of corruption and disease and was arrested 2 years ago for spreading chorea and typhoid, the Grandees of London arranged to extradite him to the US because MPD were preparing a case against him. He is probably going to Spire to form a pact with a larger spirit for the power to get revenge on Derek Watford and all Garou and that a courier will bring his file over and he wants him brought back to be extradited.

She goes downstairs, texts the pack telling them that there is peril and a long trip coming up, and we start to talk about potential issues like Sunny's Youtube Channel, Ariane and Jules University courses and Jules work for Giannis Valatos, and Carlie's job (possibly pitch it as "going travelling?"). We ask if this is a good idea now? Suspect having The Guild backing us will make it easier.

Jules gets phoned by Liz who squees at him that she'll be away and was just told that she's going to have to vanish to go on a long trip to Spire. We largely eyeroll at the potential cute and Jules mouths to tell us to get fucked.

There's a weird sharp crack! noise in the hallway and Sam Aston teleports in with a file, she notes that she's totally fine with us bringing the target back alive or dead and has no interest in Sir Robert playing power games with John Northbridge. She tells us she's been to Spire but won't tell us anything about it, we try and suggest as garou we may damage it, and she says "If we manage to destroy the place it deserved it, and bigger werewolves have tried", then with a click of her fingers she vanishes again.

We finish on a discussion of if Jules can make an anti-teleportation array (she can but it would have to literally contain the whole house) and with Holly asking her about leaving one of her Umbral pictures with them (and eventually making a custom one for them) of the inside of the Umbra.