Season Four: Difference between revisions

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Back in the kitchens: Mr. Robinson returns, tells people that the Primrose's have just arrived, Penny joins them, Alice looks flustered and Sunny deduces this is linked to Penny, she says there's no chocolate cake left.  Penny says hi to Lydia and Sunny, gets a room assigned and says Alice can bring her food but its not essential.  Sunny reveals "its not because you're hungry, its a mating ritual" and Penny splutters and storms out.  Lydia points out to Sunny that humans don't like it when you point that out.  Mr. Robinson dissolves into hysterical laughter and Ariane ducks in asking for tea and is totally baffled by everything going on.
Back in the kitchens: Mr. Robinson returns, tells people that the Primrose's have just arrived, Penny joins them, Alice looks flustered and Sunny deduces this is linked to Penny, she says there's no chocolate cake left.  Penny says hi to Lydia and Sunny, gets a room assigned and says Alice can bring her food but its not essential.  Sunny reveals "its not because you're hungry, its a mating ritual" and Penny splutters and storms out.  Lydia points out to Sunny that humans don't like it when you point that out.  Mr. Robinson dissolves into hysterical laughter and Ariane ducks in asking for tea and is totally baffled by everything going on.
=== 2021-07-12 ===
(In which a lot happens in a short amount of time)
[[Elise Primrose nee Kent|Elise]] and Ariane are on the back veranda, with Elise telling Ariane that she met John at the Officers club, doesn't know what to wear or how to behave at this sort of event, is more used to karaoke at the Whitbread, did her Mothers 70th a Toby Carvery.  Ariane tries to compare social etiquette to learning other languages, which falls flag, and suggests introducing her to Lottie for a makeover.  She is more concerned with how to get through to [[Penny Primrose|Penny]](once gave her makeup advice), wants to connect with her.  Says Stephen needs a wife (according to John), find out John says he'll disappear for a bit at the midsummer party and the implication is that he hasn't told her he's garou.  Give her a tour to distract her while texting the pack to warn them.  She continues telling Ariane about John and drinking the tea.
Meanwhile [[Major John Primrose|Major John]] approaches Jules and takes her and Carlie for drinks, they pass by the kitchen and collect [[Mr. Robinson]] ("Sargent") while [[Alice]] takes cheesecake to Penny.  They head to the library, starting by toasting the Queen with intensely peaty whisky.  Jules tells the story of the Pack's confrontation with the Mythics, stolen artifacts, getting shot to save someone, Carlie mentions Ariane kills a soldier.  John talks about Marines in Basra, Robinson says he wasn't there with them, left after Gulf War 1, mentions the 75<sup>th</sup> Eastery (possibly 75<sup>th</sup> Engineer Regiment).  Apparently Robinson was his "loader" in his first tank when he was involved in a conflict with Al-Astae (possibly the "Iraq Republican Guard" or "Fedayeen Saddam", John describes them as "Saddam's Finest"), he got ahead of his patrol, the tank was taken out by friendly fire from the Americans in a sand storm, Robinson sustained a shoulder injury and was pinned in the wreckage until John turned crinos and freed him, admitting to losing control in anger at the situation and was later told off by his father.
Ariane takes Elise back inside ot the kitchen where Lydia decides that they should be honest with her and shouts about werewolves, Ariane tries to drag her out the front bluffing about horror movies and the view, but runs into Janice, who makes some snarky remarks about "sizing up the estate", she is then gleeful when Lydia reveals that Elise doesn't know ("You can't lie to family, lyings wrong!"), she hears Sunny making up a coffee tray and assumes she's Alice, and Sunny senses that she delights in the prospect of a fresh kill, as she takes the coffee out to the front porch Sunny warns Ariane, who puts herself between Janice and the door and verbally tries to hold her off while sending Holly and Sunny in search of Major John, who Sunny finds.
In the Library Jules notices her shoulder hurts less (also the alcohol effects people and recharges their gnosis), Major John is talking about trashing things on Salisbury Plain and Jules is talking about [[Pagan Ritual Gone Wrong|hunting the "demon" horse]] which John thinks sounds great and rage filled hunting is the best.  Sunny tells him that his Sister is going to tell his wife about the Garou and he says it'll "save me from doing it", Sunny tells him it smells like she wants to hunt and kill and used the terms "gold digger" and "harlot", John says this will help put the woman back in her place and he mostly needed a date for the officers club.
Back out front Ariane is trying to get Lydia to help get in the way of Janice by framing it as a husbands duty which works, Janice says her "brother is an arse who's dishonouring Dawn's memory", Ariane tries to deflect (and wishes the ground would swallow up our young protagonist in flames, everyone else is like ... you're the protagonist now?), Lydia says communication is key part of relationships, Janice says that John is good at telling subordinates what to do and Lydia objects that marriage is a partnership of equals.  We eventually send John outside to deal with things, he declares he's a werewolf, flips into wolf forms, Elise throws hot coffee over him and he snarls back at her and she flees.  Lydia is first out the door and manages to catch her up and snag her into a hug, talking to her in a calming way, Elise tries a judo flip on her but fails and Lydia gives her calming breathing in sturctions, telling her she's a werewolf too, but also a Christian and nurse, eventually when she's calm she takes her in for tea.  Stephen comes out to find out what the noise is and Ariane fills him in on his fathers behaviour, he says "the Major like his soldiers to line up, so he got good at lining up and saying yes sir", reveals he needed a wife/daughter for the Regimental Ball to aim for promotion and his daugher wasn't showing up.  Say's its a job well done and turns it into a pitch to try and hire Ariane to talk to the youth "without upsetting the Apple Cart" and she puts him off until tomorrow. 
Ariane finds Holly to take to the Library partially to escape everything, Jules teases her about being a book nerd and jokes she'd be a good ragabash, to which Carlie says she wouldn't, Ariane flails about her family honour and eventually reaches the library.  Carlie talks about how the pack needs training in dealing with ambushes and cohesion, we walked into guns in London and walked into a social meat grinder tonight ("I should be saying this in a funny way but nothings funny tonight").
In the kitchen Lyudia tries to give Elise the werewolf 101: moon not religious important, don't need it to turn, werewolves can have a temper but he shouldn't shout or misbehave and should learn to control it and he's the same person you married.  Elise says his temper keeps him alive.  Lydia apologies for how she found out, but its apparently the "most John way", Lydia asks if she's struggling with communications and Elise reveals she's never been married before (Sunny: Nor has Lydia), Lydia recommends the Army chaplain for his unit.  Lydia also confirms that we do not eat people (against [[The Litany]]).  Sunny reveals that she is a were-human and this is enough for Elise to look suspicious at her tea and pass out.  So Sunny gets to making hot sweet tea and a hot water bottle to deal with this.
Carlie is coming back inside at this point and sees Lottie, Penny, and Alice coming down the stairs cuddled up and giggling together, Sunny determines they smell almost like women in heat.  Carlie says hello and Alice says she's making more cake for people, Penny heads outside to smoke with Jules (Lottie: "No good deals" for sponsorship for tobacco).  Outside Penny says she heard her Dad shouting so assumes Elise found out, she asks if she ran a mile and Jules says someone grabbed her.  Carlie discusses how someone who runs may talk, someone who sits and thinks may keep quiet.  Penny doesn't blame Elise but misses her Mum, she warns Carlie "Don't le the family get to you" and asks that Carlie make she "Little miss firstborn nibs with her sword" gets lessons in real life, Carlie assures her that real-life has been teaching Ariane lessons and suggests that Penny takes up kickboxing or somethin like that, because a lot of things are pissing her off and there are better ways to process things like venting with a punch bag.

Revision as of 16:03, 19 July 2021

Summary of Events


The Belles still at the Primrose-Morton Estate. Things start with Sun Wang-Li texting Jules to find out what's going on and if we're okay being as our house got raided, also reveals her Guild got paid more than she thought (£50) for Carl Rodrigos and hence are partying, Jules assures her that we aren't dead or under arrest. Ariane takes a walk around the gardens, Carlie goes to poke the castle in the woods, finding it has 4 walls crenelations and is a victorian folly with a very very flat floor and no roof, the walls have a dedication to the full moon in first tongue . Sunny runs around sniffing things with the zoomies finding a pond, some rabbits to chase, some great sticks, and good smells. Inside - Jules has a lie in, Holly calls her family, then calls into work to try and sort logistics but someone (Mr. Robinson) claiming to be her father called in and claimed she had covid, then tries to personalise her room a little, Lydia prays and thinks about calling work and her church to make excuses without lying.

On the back Patio Janice Primrose-Morton and Ariane have tea, and Ariane argues that she should do charity work for a few years after her law degree to help out the folk and round out her CV, Janice reminds her she has to choose her law specialisation next year and suggests corporate, international, or marine law and suggests that Matrix Chambers have a human rights arm she could join. Ariane says the London homeless population are getting so desperate they are generating connections to Wyrm spirits and hence maybe housing law to help them. They do a run through of who's who in the pack and Janice says she'll get Mr. Robinson to dust off the family chapel for Lydia. Janice says she just finishing buying the Mane Alaska II (oil tanker), her 67th.

Jules gets a knock on her door from Mr. Robinson to check she's doing okay, she finds Lydia who checks her shoulder injury and suggests she not get shot in the future as she worries about her. They talk about Lydia wanting to tell church/family/work she's on important garou business as the alternative is lying and Jules suggests she instead be economical with the truth and oblique mentioning a "family issue" perhaps, Lydia points out they'll want to know who so they can prey for them. Mr. Robinson tells Holly he called into her workplace for her and hopes that was okay, and that he has a contract for Lydia - private hire as a nurse to tend to Ariane and others as they recover here at the house, Jules suggests this "job" would be a good cover for everything and Lydia reminds her that she has an accountability partner who will her her ensure she's spending her time as best in service to God, shes told them about demons and ritual circles but isn't sure how to tell them shes a werewolf and we're a bad influence she is essentially living with us to do missionary work and try and convert us. Ariane and Carlie arrive, chat about the Castle, God, the family Chapel, Gaia as god. Ariane panics a bit about dressing for afternoon tea (and everyone else being presentable) and Jules teases her. She then blows a literal whistle out back to try and get Sunny's attention who arrives with a stick and a bit of resentment.

On the front veranda everyone Tarquin Primrose-Morton and his wife Janice gather everyone for afternoon tea, Ariane tries to be clear to the others about police behaviour and Holly picks up and follows her, Jules doesn't bother, since there are sandwiches Sunny switches back to her human form with her dedicated biker leathers. we hear Mr. Jones sends his thanks for looking after the car, Tarquin discusses how the staff are here of their free will and happy to follow the family to Jules and protecting them, the blood, and the land is important. Janice tells Carlie her Great-Great Grandfather built the castle with his own "paws and claws" (and a team of workers) to protect a ritual spot, Tarquin is impressed she spotted what it was for. We talk of Midsummer and the upcoming ritual to praise Luna, to thank the spirits who have supported the Pack, to open a bridge to the Umbra to make offerings and an annual howl (annual shareholders review), hoping their successes will impress for the spirits enough to get a boon to help in the coming year. Talk of the tanker purchase with Jules, doing to dock it at Aberdeen, screen the crew for Fomori, retask them onto greener boats, then clean the tanker and sink it to help coral regrowth. Lydia asks about the Mission to Seafarers and Janice says she donates yearly, Lydia suggests that the Gospel and preaching can help immunise people against the Wyrm and talks about casting out demons and Carlie and Jules correct her that they were also involved in killing things from the spirit world, still Lydia and Janice talk about pushing for ecological humanitarianism by using the bible as a tool to suggest environmental destruction (Wyrm) is the same as the Devil.

Conversation is interrupted by the arrival in a red ferrari of Charlotte 'Lottie' Primrose-Morton, noted internet influencer, Ariane fills in the pack on the kinfolk/garou split (i.e. most actual rituals are for the garou, the kinfolk do a bunch of supporting stuff) while Lottie calls a sponsor, she sits to chat, tells Lydia she doesn't have a church, she and Ariane complain about the cancelled tennis, Sunny talks about the food using the sorts of terms that would be used on specialist food TV shows and Lottie joins in that conversation, then sneakily takes a picture of the cake and uploads it while Tarquin and Janice are distracted.


So the Pack started by exploring the Castle/Tower/Ritual spot. There's some Full moon invocations in first tongue, Lydia agreed to watch the midsummer ritual in case someone needed first aid, we talked about sacrifices to spirits, offerings, gateways into the Umbra, and Ariane made it clear no one was being sacrificed to the spirits. Jules assessed the place for ritual potential - different flavour from Mythics magic, there are torch brackets at the cardinal directions and a very even floor, glimpses into the Umbra and its very similar, the spiritual version of the tower basically matches (Other places where this has happened include Ben Valis's house and St. Mary-le-Bow Church. Sunny meanwhile stalked some foxes to their den in the woods, one shot off, another was inside protecting a kit perhaps, she enquired by first tongue and gesture if they wanted to play but the one outside joins in instead, leading her away from the den and playing chase through the woods and past the rest of the Pack, Ariane tries to ask if it its a real fox and reassure it but it says its busy leading Sunny away. The pack (except Lydia, and Jules once she works out her injured shoulder gives her a limp) decide to change into wolf form to explore the estate, this features Jules teasing Ariane, Carlie suggesting this is not Alphaly and Jules then being nice and helping her out of the dress. Lydia tells Jules off for injuring her shoulder more and Jules gift-heals it some more.

So Sunny gives the pack a tour of good branches, fox scents and animal paths. Sunny suggests we roll in the manure (for camoflague!) and Holly does then goes to clean off a bit, Carlie does for a bet, Ariane does for the honour of her name. Carlie then leads Holly and Ariane off and they go hunt a deer (they ... see it but don't catch it). Sunny takes Jules and Lydia off and they use Jules as a threat to lure a rabbit out for being caught by Sunny. The pack hears a landrover coming up the drive so gathers at the house when asked Ariane suggests the ritual may be 11 or 200 people. Jules hoses everyone off then a lot of people shower, Sunny heads into the kitchen to meet Alice the maid, they play yes/no signals to talk about cooking the rabbit and Sunny gets a lesson in French cusine, tasting the meal and deciding various factors of flavour for rabbit a l'orange.

Meanwhile the reading room has gathered Andrew Primrose-Morton, Catarine Primrose-Morton neé Ivanoya, and Lottie talking to Janice and Tarquin (who leaves soon after Ariane arrives). Andrwe and Catarine are snarking at Lottie for being impractical and not garou, Ariane again pitches for charity work and Andrew and Janice suggest she could help out indigenous communities around the world which expands her goals a little, there is a lengthy debate around maritime insurance law that she doesn't initially follow but eventually gets it. Carlie listens in and overhears discussion about Lloyds of London, a number of holding property groups, Gazprom and the Russian Mafia. Ariane gets told about the idea of "No such thing as legal or illegal only shades of maybe legal" and there is a lot of dubious things and information. During all this she notices however that none of this actually seems to make money - so where is the money coming from?

Jules explores the house, finding the reading room/library, also the actual fun living room with entertainment systems, a sun room, and in a less formal space (staff quarters?) finds Mr. Robinson having tea. They have a chat about his life - he's been there since 1995, feels honoured and enjoys his work, feels he owes the family a little and likes helping make the world a better place on a big scale, says they deserve their deference and is well paid and had all the adventure he wanted with Major John Primrose in his youth, says the Primrose-Mortons bumble a little but The Major builds things, Andrew and Janice seach for and buy up ships, Ariane is "coming along" but he despairs for Lottie and Penny, he suggests Jules judge them by their actions, then chats about Jules injured shoulder and says he's had similar and it stung his pride.

Holly showers, goes down and chats to Lottie who has escaped the conversation, they head to the dining room and Jules, Holly, Sunny, Lottie, and Alice meet for dinner. Sunny shifts human and Alice offers to clean her leathers off properly. Sunny notices that the dish has more rabbit than just the one so more was added, Alice thanks her and Jules for the hunt and compliments her nose, Sunny asks not to be addressed as "Miss Sunny" because shes a dog. Carlie says she'll talk to the others about things later (walls have ears), Jules and Holly talk about still getting used to the whole weird situation. Lottie wants to take everyone out to visit a castle tomorrow for a photoshoot to avoid more business talk, talks about how her parents want to send her to business school to learn economics, thinks her own brand and influence will protect her. Carlie takes her down a peg or too suggesting that accountants will fuck her and reminding her what they did to Britney and that its useful to understand the numbers and stratergies, Lottie says she would just sic her followers on anyone who tried it and goes on a long tirade about likes, followers, and branding. Reveals she wants to ask questions about being a garou.


This week was the Castle Trip with Lottie aka. The Beach Episode. Firstly Lottie tries to persuade people to hop in the car with her, starting with Sunny (who ignores her), takes Holly (and livestreams her to fans, Holly is very done with the world). Everyone else piles in a well maintained Landrover drive by Carlie (inside we talk about laying down some ground rules to stay undercover), and everyone arrives at Arundel Castle, which is closed at that point except to press/media. Jules takes some pics, asks Lottie what the plan is, we hear shes promoting the place and there will be a lunch, Carlie banters with Ariane about weapons and repairs. We hear about Lottie's group The Influencers and Jules gets recruited as the photographer for the day (partially to dodge appearing online) and also gets to caption things #LottieLife. Lydia tries to give her a Bible and Lottie associates it with Trump, Carlie reminds everyone he's just teargassed his way to a photo op where he held it upside down. Lydia says he hasn't read it right and Lottie says that's the publishers fault. She tries to get photos with Lydia with scowls framing them as "meeting the Trump fan" until Ariane points out that this will backfire because Lydia is a nurse and hence a public hero. She manages to get a selfie of Sunny licking her fingers and Ariane and Sunny go to sign-in/get the picnic basket sorted and get press passes, Julie (press coordinator) also wants some pics with/from Lottie, gives us a USB stick of photos/footage, assumes that Ariane is her staffer, and asks if shes cool (Ariane covers). Jules is doing actual artistic shots as everyone gets their press passes.

Lottie meanwhile has mentioned to Carlie she wants to talk to her later about "stuff" (garou stuff) and they talk targets for a surprise makeup, decide to do Ariane and Holly (Carlie says she may opt in depending on alcohol levels) and she asks Carlie if her cousin will be a spinster or may be gay, revealing that she has to stay available as part of her influencer mystique, has turned down Tinder (too millenial) but is thinking about an offer from Hinge. When we act cagey about pictures she asks if we're in trouble and Lydia talks about Ariane killing someone, Holly covers it up as a whole household D&D game and frames Ariane as a nerd. Lottie gets Jules filming and springs the make up surprise sequence (Rimmel makeover special!) its actually good. Jules then takes Lottie and Ariane into the Castle for pics (and to sniff for the Wyrm - nothing) they end by Lottie posing by Mary Queen of Scots gold rosary beads ("One day the #LottieLife will include!") and talk of families, crowns, princes to marry. Meanwhile Carlie wanders and sight sees (and bumps into the Press a bit), Sunny heads into the Forest to hunt for animals, sees a camera man and presenter she recognises from Sky News who covers murders and watches them film a fluff piece. Lydia heads to the large castle chapel (The Fitzalan Chapel) to pray.

The Pack reunites at the cricket pitch for Packnic 3, Lottie offers to pay Jules in Exposure, there is bickering about this, she also gets Lydia to look after her phone for an hour to be sure she eats and rests from it. She asks us about what its like being garou - Ariane (freeing), Jules (it explains a lot), Lydia (lonely but worth it to get werewolves to god) - Sunny transforms to human to help describe the food and Jules lends her a light dress. Lottie says she's unsure she'll become garou because she's too calm and adorable, Sunny reminds her that shes not angry, and Lottie says she mostly wants to change to avoid becoming a Marine insurance person like her Dad. Lydia reminds her that there are more important things than the job (relationship with god!). Lottie wants to be adored, her calling is to help regular people know what products and services are best to help people to aspire to live their lives a little happier and like hers (grand weddings, experiences, food, and places) and the ones that are best are the ones that can afford to offer her good deals. Lydia tells her that the best deal in life is for your immortal soul! Ariane agrees, but says souls inspire descendants to great deeds, Lottie says she will inspire her descendants to be the prettiest werewolves.

Conversation moves to Sunny describing the flavours of the pate, it needs a lighter bread, and Lottie tries to recruit her to write for as the food blogger, which will be coming in a few months. Lottie talks to Jules about her paintings and art - what is her drive/motivation? Jules talks about combining places and scenes shes seen with emotive overlay, expressing her anger and emotions in the painting. She also tries to explain the Romantic period (not about romance!) talk of angryness and reveals she once broke someones arm, and that art helps her channel her anger, smashing the shackels that hold her back, Lottie talks about wanting to collaborate on work.

She asks us how we first changed/knew we would change: Ariane (saw a cat move and chase it, became fere, then switched), Jules (body was full of adrenaline and weird urges), Lottie says she saw a cat move last time she was high on E so is sure she'll change, Ariane suggests taking E under a full moon in a field to see what happens. Lydia talks about hunting and killing the demon horse and that whole debate happens again. Finally she draws Carlie away to ask her, "I know I can get it from you, what's it like ... being black?" (and the session ends just before Carlie makes a rage check).


Carlie passes her rage check, sighs and gives Lottie a relatively simple overview, talking about how she is probably the first person she could have asked, and giving examples of both overt racism and violence, but also constant smaller things, speed bumps that aren't there for others, with police interactions and traffic violations being an example. Carlie also says she feels for Lottie having a father who is trying to control her life and career. Lottie says she knows her father and his money opens doors for her and just wants everyone to live a good life. Carlie asks her to remember the conversation whenever she gives opinions online. Lottie talks about how her mother thinks the Russians have a monopoly on misery and Carlie tells her that while she doesn't have it all figured out that Lottie should shoot for what she can, Lottie ends by saying she'll poke L'Oréal Paris because she was acutely aware none of her makeup would have worked for Carlie and thats an oversight and afterwards she'll be in touch to talk about a potential makeover video. The afternoon passes with her failing to catch the eye of ITV but making sure everyone lives the #LottieLife

Back at the Primrose-Morton estate, Ariane talks a bunch of the Pack into having another go at the deer, Sunny wishes them well but is cooking in the kitchen. We have Jules and Holly on the ambush, Carlie and Ariane chasing it into the ambush and Lydia on first aid, but the deer manages to get through Jules and off into the wild. Lydia gently mocks people for failing to hunt, Holly mocks her for failing to convert people and Lydia reveals she has in fact converted 12. Jules meanwhile explores for delicious smells of the deer trails and sees some more. Meanwhile Sunny is cooking in the kitchen in human form to make communication easier with Alice, notes that she is clock watching and nervous, then disappointed as the 19:00 dinner time arrives, says she was expecting The Major and co, then rings the bell to summon the hunting pack back. Sunny and Lydia eat in the kitchen - Carlie, Ariane, Holly, and Jules to eat with the family.

At the family dinner Catarine wants Lottie to visit Russia but she says her audience is too Western based, Ariane tries to get more about the family business, it involves the Straits of Malacca and Indonesian shipping, Jules manages to get Andrew talking about the Pirates and Carlie and Ariane notice Janice looks disgusted at the mention of some pirates but smiles at another. There is talk of the logistics of piracy, ship and crew hostages, Lottie is spotted not paying attention and Carlie subtly kicks her to pay attention. Jules tries to get info on the Midsummer ritual, broadly told its a social party then come to the castle tower and see. We also say that Lydia is down keeping Sunny company and talk about Sunny's continuing education.

At the staff dinner table: Mr. Robinson get some port to go with the food, says grace, chats to Sunny about her day out and she says she preferred the cooking, Lydia and Mr. Robinson chat because she wants to get to know the staff. He talks about being ex-army, left after the gulf war, didn't adapt well to civilian life, his old CO recommended him to Major John Primrose, they talk about veteran homelessness, he says the best help is not to get into wars in the first place, Lydia suggests they need hope and Robinson suggests structure also helps and the house/family help give him that, Lydia suggests religion gives both and Robinson says he's seen too much strange stuff to belong to the regular church, says he cleared the chapel for her, the family aren't strong church goers but he respects their way (but can't give details), church has no monopoly on the truth but he looks forward to attending somewhere with her. Says he runs the regular party, they go to the woods, sometimes joined by Mr. Jones, they want peace, the planet, truth, and work for a higher power, but have disagreements with the Bible, he's not one to say which is right but believes in good people. Lydia asks what they do and Robinson says they work on a grander scale, buying and selling things to get them off the market, doesn't know the details just runs the house, isn't sure what they do with things, hopes they melt down the weaponry but talks about the tankers, has photos of one that shared the name of his deceased wife that was sunk off the Scottish coast, he shows the pictures and Sunny takes a picture of it describing it as a park under the sea. Lydia wonders who advises them on the scientific details of these plans.

Conversation turns to Alice: she was interviewed from Chef's school, had a passion for cooking, likes that she's cooking for an appreciative audience, and enjoys the simple life of the country, practising her art. Was not prepared for the Garou but sees the beauty in it, but got very freaked out the first time. She lost her parents when young so happy to have a sort of family, she pats Mr. Robinson on the shoulder saying he's like a father and he eye rolls and suggest the Primrose-Morton's are a refuge for damaged souls. Alice then offers everyone some chocolate pudding (the top table is having cheesecake) saying its a more comfy option.

Back at the family dinner table: Ariane is suggesting Holly should come see the library after dinner and get introduced to the index, at which point the door buzzer goes, Mr. Robinson answers that, lets people in and we get the arrival of Major John Primrose, Elise Primrose nee Kent, Stephen Primrose (conservative clone of father) and Penny Primrose (fresh into a goth phase). Ariane encourages the pack to politely stand in greeting, Janice is not happy to meet Elise and feigns politeness and Ariane tries to rescue that situation. The Major and Jules size each other up as Alpha Ahrouns, warriors exchanging a look. John Primrose introduces himself as being of the Silverfangs to people, people follow suit and give their packs and names. Jules and he talk about the bulletwound in Jules shoulder and John says he has a similar in his bicep, says she "took it in the line of duty" (which gets Carlie rolling her eyes) and wants to split a bottle of drink and swap stories later. When Carlie meets him she gives a crisp cadet style salute, Holly mentions her stargazer history. Penny mentions to Ariane that she is hating Durham, as its full of people like our parents and nudges her towards Janice who is being cruel to Elise. As Ariane tries to intervene Stephen tries to recruit her into working for the "New Century" think tank as a lawyer to show progressive conservatism, talks of Brexit being the start of a great new world of ideas, Jules tries to intervene and sort this and Ariane suggests fencing to first blood. She finally makes it to Janice and Elise (being cruel about her off the rack dress), nudges Janice back to Tarquin, gets Elise a tissue and takes her for a short walk to the back terrace via the kitchens for tea.

Back in the kitchens: Mr. Robinson returns, tells people that the Primrose's have just arrived, Penny joins them, Alice looks flustered and Sunny deduces this is linked to Penny, she says there's no chocolate cake left. Penny says hi to Lydia and Sunny, gets a room assigned and says Alice can bring her food but its not essential. Sunny reveals "its not because you're hungry, its a mating ritual" and Penny splutters and storms out. Lydia points out to Sunny that humans don't like it when you point that out. Mr. Robinson dissolves into hysterical laughter and Ariane ducks in asking for tea and is totally baffled by everything going on.


(In which a lot happens in a short amount of time)

Elise and Ariane are on the back veranda, with Elise telling Ariane that she met John at the Officers club, doesn't know what to wear or how to behave at this sort of event, is more used to karaoke at the Whitbread, did her Mothers 70th a Toby Carvery. Ariane tries to compare social etiquette to learning other languages, which falls flag, and suggests introducing her to Lottie for a makeover. She is more concerned with how to get through to Penny(once gave her makeup advice), wants to connect with her. Says Stephen needs a wife (according to John), find out John says he'll disappear for a bit at the midsummer party and the implication is that he hasn't told her he's garou. Give her a tour to distract her while texting the pack to warn them. She continues telling Ariane about John and drinking the tea.

Meanwhile Major John approaches Jules and takes her and Carlie for drinks, they pass by the kitchen and collect Mr. Robinson ("Sargent") while Alice takes cheesecake to Penny. They head to the library, starting by toasting the Queen with intensely peaty whisky. Jules tells the story of the Pack's confrontation with the Mythics, stolen artifacts, getting shot to save someone, Carlie mentions Ariane kills a soldier. John talks about Marines in Basra, Robinson says he wasn't there with them, left after Gulf War 1, mentions the 75th Eastery (possibly 75th Engineer Regiment). Apparently Robinson was his "loader" in his first tank when he was involved in a conflict with Al-Astae (possibly the "Iraq Republican Guard" or "Fedayeen Saddam", John describes them as "Saddam's Finest"), he got ahead of his patrol, the tank was taken out by friendly fire from the Americans in a sand storm, Robinson sustained a shoulder injury and was pinned in the wreckage until John turned crinos and freed him, admitting to losing control in anger at the situation and was later told off by his father.

Ariane takes Elise back inside ot the kitchen where Lydia decides that they should be honest with her and shouts about werewolves, Ariane tries to drag her out the front bluffing about horror movies and the view, but runs into Janice, who makes some snarky remarks about "sizing up the estate", she is then gleeful when Lydia reveals that Elise doesn't know ("You can't lie to family, lyings wrong!"), she hears Sunny making up a coffee tray and assumes she's Alice, and Sunny senses that she delights in the prospect of a fresh kill, as she takes the coffee out to the front porch Sunny warns Ariane, who puts herself between Janice and the door and verbally tries to hold her off while sending Holly and Sunny in search of Major John, who Sunny finds.

In the Library Jules notices her shoulder hurts less (also the alcohol effects people and recharges their gnosis), Major John is talking about trashing things on Salisbury Plain and Jules is talking about hunting the "demon" horse which John thinks sounds great and rage filled hunting is the best. Sunny tells him that his Sister is going to tell his wife about the Garou and he says it'll "save me from doing it", Sunny tells him it smells like she wants to hunt and kill and used the terms "gold digger" and "harlot", John says this will help put the woman back in her place and he mostly needed a date for the officers club.

Back out front Ariane is trying to get Lydia to help get in the way of Janice by framing it as a husbands duty which works, Janice says her "brother is an arse who's dishonouring Dawn's memory", Ariane tries to deflect (and wishes the ground would swallow up our young protagonist in flames, everyone else is like ... you're the protagonist now?), Lydia says communication is key part of relationships, Janice says that John is good at telling subordinates what to do and Lydia objects that marriage is a partnership of equals. We eventually send John outside to deal with things, he declares he's a werewolf, flips into wolf forms, Elise throws hot coffee over him and he snarls back at her and she flees. Lydia is first out the door and manages to catch her up and snag her into a hug, talking to her in a calming way, Elise tries a judo flip on her but fails and Lydia gives her calming breathing in sturctions, telling her she's a werewolf too, but also a Christian and nurse, eventually when she's calm she takes her in for tea. Stephen comes out to find out what the noise is and Ariane fills him in on his fathers behaviour, he says "the Major like his soldiers to line up, so he got good at lining up and saying yes sir", reveals he needed a wife/daughter for the Regimental Ball to aim for promotion and his daugher wasn't showing up. Say's its a job well done and turns it into a pitch to try and hire Ariane to talk to the youth "without upsetting the Apple Cart" and she puts him off until tomorrow.

Ariane finds Holly to take to the Library partially to escape everything, Jules teases her about being a book nerd and jokes she'd be a good ragabash, to which Carlie says she wouldn't, Ariane flails about her family honour and eventually reaches the library. Carlie talks about how the pack needs training in dealing with ambushes and cohesion, we walked into guns in London and walked into a social meat grinder tonight ("I should be saying this in a funny way but nothings funny tonight").

In the kitchen Lyudia tries to give Elise the werewolf 101: moon not religious important, don't need it to turn, werewolves can have a temper but he shouldn't shout or misbehave and should learn to control it and he's the same person you married. Elise says his temper keeps him alive. Lydia apologies for how she found out, but its apparently the "most John way", Lydia asks if she's struggling with communications and Elise reveals she's never been married before (Sunny: Nor has Lydia), Lydia recommends the Army chaplain for his unit. Lydia also confirms that we do not eat people (against The Litany). Sunny reveals that she is a were-human and this is enough for Elise to look suspicious at her tea and pass out. So Sunny gets to making hot sweet tea and a hot water bottle to deal with this.

Carlie is coming back inside at this point and sees Lottie, Penny, and Alice coming down the stairs cuddled up and giggling together, Sunny determines they smell almost like women in heat. Carlie says hello and Alice says she's making more cake for people, Penny heads outside to smoke with Jules (Lottie: "No good deals" for sponsorship for tobacco). Outside Penny says she heard her Dad shouting so assumes Elise found out, she asks if she ran a mile and Jules says someone grabbed her. Carlie discusses how someone who runs may talk, someone who sits and thinks may keep quiet. Penny doesn't blame Elise but misses her Mum, she warns Carlie "Don't le the family get to you" and asks that Carlie make she "Little miss firstborn nibs with her sword" gets lessons in real life, Carlie assures her that real-life has been teaching Ariane lessons and suggests that Penny takes up kickboxing or somethin like that, because a lot of things are pissing her off and there are better ways to process things like venting with a punch bag.