Summary of Events. Also Todo List


Things opened with Ariane climbing to the roof of the pack house to deliver a howl about our Umbral trip, disovering new realms and places, rescuing the Stargazers and an ally of the garou (Liz), it is, a mediocre howl and maybe she should have slept first.

Holly preps for an interview at The Guild that night. they tell her its house/barstaff, she meets Mr. Benson (Maître d'/manager), a tall lady smoking a cigarette (probably The Lady of Kowloon), also 3 gym bros, a librarian lady (big jumper, glasses, books), and a raven haired lady working the bar. Told the place has duelling room (for swords, and mages, and judo mats and its strong enough for garou) and is taken into Benson's Office (a huge desk, with knick-knacks, pictures, kid's drawings. It's a basic interview until she's asked how she feels about mages, gives a broad answer being as she's worked with Liz, but also aprehended David Vasiry and helped kill Ben Valis) then goes for an interview with Sir Robert Laffrey who's desk is even bigger and office even swankier, the lady with the cigarete is there too. Laffrey tries to claim the Belles jumped to the rescue of Liz and if he'd know he'd have cared and gives "personal thanks to your pack leader" which Holly will pass on. He says the cost of rescuing her shows that we have dedication to garou/mythic relations and peace and order in London. The job is mostly bar work with occasional "other" work (i.e. contracts for the guild) and is "tier 1" with opportunity for advancement, also 36hrs/week, £25k/pa. They return to Benson's office, do the paperwork, and Holly asks how they timed everything so well, Benson says they realised the Belles may not anticipate the time dilation so lent on a Tescos manager known to a Guild mythic to get the amicable firing. He also says not to worry, Lydia's attack was unusual and they normally do potentially violent meets offsite.

Back at the Pack House: Holly is happy with the cash but openly nervy about The Guild and trusting them, there is then a long argument about puns on geas, geece, doom, and if Lord of the Rings is satanic or not.

Jules gets on with her paintings, which start badly but then she gets into the swing of it, gets an email from Dr. Becky Clout her fine art lecturer who wants some pics for a show. Carlie reads The Werewolf Bible until she works out its a regular bible with a few tweaks, also swaps romance/werewolf books with Ariane, Sunny checks in with Lottie who deflects a lot before arranging a visit, Lydia is a bit miserable and spends time visiting churches but can't find one she likes, tries to visit the Barrel Vaulted Rave Church and The Angel Islington but the doors are always locked, eventually puts a note under and gets an address and time for a werehouse party in the East End docks tomorrow night sent to her, arranges to take Sunny and Ariane.

Lydia and Sunny have a whole discussion about how Sunny feels Lydia doesn't listen to her and wants to know if its because shes a dog, but Lydia says its because she doesn't listen to anyone, except god, part of something bigger, Sunny attempts to suggests the TV says god helps those who help themselves but Lydia deflects that not in her faith. Lydia again quotes her higher duty of care than everyone else and how she has to look after everyone, Sunny recommends podcasts about selfcare, they talk about afterlifes (Sunny's visited hers) and the conversation turns in the pack to discussions of what everyone's wishes are after they die, eventually people post contact details for next of kin in the kitchen along with funeral wishes. The party then bickers about Saints.

  • Ariane says get the family sword, then her head, and any other relics a bonus
  • Carlie tells everyone to never ever talk to her family even if she dies, also says no to prayer or therapy with regards this
  • Jules is unsure

So at the Warehouse for the rave: There's a bunch of 40 year old ladies in a corner, Lydia chats to them and they say they're here because the D.J. cures covid/protects from covid (Lydia produces her nursing times article about Islington rates), they say its the power of Jesus being funnelled by an Angel and a nearby church is funding the raves, and they're being subtly advertised via facebook, so they're here for godly care. Meanwhile Ariane wraps Sunny in glowsticks (collar and paws), gives some to Lydia, warns everyone to be careful of the fairies and wishes she had some ecstasy.